Mother's Grace Hospital


Courses Offered In Mother's Grace

Our assurance is a calm and healthy profession.which the world is looking forward. The courses are designed in such a way that combination of yoga and ayurveda makes you a miracle in alternative medicine which is getting very popular in western countries..

Diploma in Ayurveda - 6 months course

Our assurance is a calm and healthy profession.which the world is looking forward. The courses are designed in such a way that combination of yoga and ayurveda makes you a miracle in alternative medicine which is getting very popular in western countries..

Syllabus of 6 months course of Ayurveda diploma

Theory past of basics of Ayurveda
  1. Basic principle of Ayurveda
  2. Dravya guna vignanam - Herbal science
  3. Bhaishajya kalpanam - Preparation of medicine
  4. Anatomy and physiology
  5. Pancha Karma
  6. General nursing and Yoga
Dina charya and Ritu charya
  1. Practical for Abhyanthara Snehanam
  2. Snehana & Swedana karma
  3. Post Panchakarma Procedure
  4. Do's and don'ts after Pancha Karma
  5. Practical for Yoga Asanas and pranayama
  6. Practical training in bed making, BP Monitory etc..
Method of training
  1. Training in between students are giving
  2. Training students as an assistant therapist
  3. Slowly entering into the therapy section